Aug 16Liked by briffin glue

I enjoyed this piece. I feel a bit displaced reading it if I am being honest. You are probably a lot younger than me.

At what age were you first exposed to social media ? and when did you get your first smart phone? I only ask because I am genuinely curious. You write well however your social life seems vastly different than mine when I was in my twenties. You refer to multi-national corporations flattening culture into commoditized entertainment, do you feel like they way kids grow up and socialize has bee commoditized in any way by big tech?

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Hey paul thanks for reading! I was exposed to social media at around thirteen years old, my first smart phone around the same time. And absolutely i do,—childhood's another culture that the corporate state (and mind you, not just big tech) has gone after to commodify, repackage, etc., but there's something of a guerilla spirit to childhood and i doubt that it can ever be flattened completely.

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I loved this piece. It touched on a lot of things I’ve been thinking about as of late that I may try to consolidate into a post of my own. As a young person in my 20’s I know what it’s like to grow up socialized by the internet.

I actually don’t believe this is a new trend but a very old one. Some of the most popular content on the internet is just us consuming the lives of others. As the loneliness epidemic grows, I can think back to the days of Zoella where your day as a pre-teen might be consumed by just watching someone else live their life. Companies have caught onto this and are now trying very hard to sell it back to us harder than before.

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it’s almost like they’ve taken all of our real world relationships and repackaged them into parasocial relationships!

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