Your understanding of Kierkegaard is incredibly poor, sorry to say. You remove the Christian aspects of his work and you're left with nothing. 'Ethical' and the finite/infinite dichotomy don't mean what you think they mean, at least in the context of his work, so your metaphor falls flat. You and Charli XCX and Kamala and Trump are all aesthetes. Also, syncopated is not a synonym for synchronized, it's a musical term that means there is an emphasis on the upbeat. I'm left after these first two installments dumbfounded and unsure of what you, the author, actually know or think or believe in any way. Maybe you'll salvage this in part 3?

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Author

Hey thanks for reading, yeah I'm not a Kierkegaard scholar or anything, just read through Fear & Trembling and the abridged Either/Or so idk,—what's your take on it? What does the finite/infinite mean in your eyes?

And i definitely did misuse syncopated like four times haha, just went back and fixed it. Good catch on that.

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